Essential Foundation Inc. (EFI) is a charitable 501(c)(3) non-profit agency dedicated to providing exclusive care and services to our children and families in our community. EFI provides 24-hour residential foster care and adoption services to children that have been removed by the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services. We encourage connections, education, cognitive development, mentoring, critical thinking & building skills that will help them along their personal life purpose. It is our passion to ensure upcoming generations have consistent life fundamentals to be successful and empowered.
To be successful, our mission requires community partnership with compassionate citizens like yourself and the professionals that represent our business community. Our services are meeting the real needs of local families and together we can continue this important work. At some point, almost everyone comes in contact with a family that desperately needs our services, and we want to be ready to answer that call.
Giving Financial Aid to Those In Need,
- Support families pursuing Fostering or Adoption
- Mentoring Youth
- Domestic Violence
- College Prep
- Mediation
- Counseling
- Food Pantry
We are in need of funds in support of the mission of Essential Foundation Inc.
The Pandemic created many obstacles causing fund raising difficulties.
We support our community with the following events throughout the year:
- Back 2 School Bash- School supplies and backpacks
- Rainbow Room -clothes, shoes, necessities for foster children
- Thanksgiving Turkey Give Away- Frozen Turkeys
- Holiday Toy Drive- New toys for children
- Food Pantry - Unperishable foods

Date and Time
Tuesday Nov 19, 2024